More than one man thinks of adding a few cm to the causal area, especially if he has come across a free "miracle" that increases strength in bed. While expensive operations are effective, they are not the ideal solution. You can abandon the scalpel in favor of techniques that help enlarge the penis. Doctors recommend that those who are dissatisfied use a list of safe stretching techniques.
Truth and myths
Women firmly believe that if "he" is big, the relationship in bed will be brighter. Therefore, they prefer guys of considerable size. Such "requirements" force the stronger sex to match the beautiful half, forgetting that the standard length is 15-20 cm.
Some numbers
Before you start expanding your membership without material costs, it is worth understanding in what cases it is necessary to do this. There should be no cause for concern for those whose penis is around 15*5.

Good to know:the volume depends on several factors, including genetic predisposition and physiological characteristics.
Nuances of measurement
Determining the size does not require the use of special tools. To do this, you can use a ruler or tape measure. To obtain more accurate values, measurements are taken from the base. Furthermore, doctors recommend taking the measurement at the time of erection. This allows you to understand the real parameters of manhood.
Ways to change phallus for free at home
To lengthen and increase the thickness of the sexual instrument, it is not necessary to go under the surgeon's knife.To date, many techniques have been developed to help change the size of an organ. At the same time, the methods are distinguished by their simplicity, convenience, relatively low financial costs and the possibility of implementation at home.
There are many manual techniques, the implementation of which increases the size of the weapon by a couple of centimeters. The main thing is regularity and care when carrying out procedures.

For the massage you need to prepare:
- water lubricant;
- harmonious environment.
Positive characteristics
It is possible to lengthen the trunk of a house without financial investments. Massage is a popular method. You can do it yourself 2-3 times a day. The advantages are as follows:
- no serious consequences;
- visible effect;
- efficiency;
- no side effects;
- efficiency.
Massage has a qualitative and quantitative effect on attraction and lovemaking. After sessions, ejaculation control and stamina improve. Therapy causes discomfort if performed incorrectly.
How to do
There are several massage methods to help enlarge the weapon. However, you should take into account several nuances: steam the meat in the shower and create a pleasant atmosphere (turn on relaxing music, dim the lights), and also make sure that no one distracts you. Next, perform certain actions.
- Caress. Draw from the scrotum to the foreskin. To avoid discomfort, it is recommended to take a few drops of lubricant in the water. Active elements accelerate results.
- Rubbing with the palms of the hands. During gymnastics, rotate the "trunk" in different directions, pressing it along its entire length.
- Slight tremor. Suitable for completion. Relieves nervous tension.
- Classic option. Grab the pulp and move up and down the entire length.
To get what you want, do at least 200 repetitions a day. At the initial stage, you can start with 100-150, gradually increasing the number of manipulations.

The following techniques will help you make your penis long and voluminous: jelqing, hanging weights and stretching. It is important to take into account the specifics of changing an organ at home and follow the instructions.
All-round change through jelqing
A type of training that modifies the parameters of the organ, as well as increasing the man's resistance in bed. The wet method (with lubricant) is preferable as the risk of skin damage is minimal.
To perform it, you should smear the length with a moisturizing substance, grab the "trunk", closing your fingers with a ring. Next, pressing lightly, move up to the foreskin. 3-4 seconds are allowed for one movement. If after several frictions you have the sensation that the peak of pleasure is near, reduce the intensity of the frictions or rest completely. Pressure must be kept to a minimum to avoid damage.
Kegel complex
For those who are looking for a method to enlarge their penis without material losses, gymnastics for the pelvic muscles is suitable.Exercise activates blood flow, ensuring transformation without surgery or leaks.
They are performed as follows: place one or two fingers behind the testicles and press lightly, imagining interrupting the flow at the moment of urination.
Extenders are used to lengthen the muscles of the penis. They are attached to the foreskin via a silicone ring. The inconvenience is often due to physiological features: a smooth coronal sulcus or a small head. In this case, a belt extension will be an alternative.
It is lined with a material that softens compression and makes use more comfortable. The operating principle is the systematic and prolonged stretching of the organ, with increasing pressure.

Herbal medicine, tablets and food supplements
Medicinal substances and food supplements are used for processing. Herbal teas containing natural ingredients and plant extracts deserve special attention. There is a large selection of products for sale.
How effective it is
Supplements, plants and bioactive drugs are used only after consulting a specialist. The advantages of the increase in size method are:
- natural origin;
- availability;
- voluminous assortment;
- ease of use.
With regular use of dietary supplements, the manhood grows by 2-3 cm.
How they influence
Medicines contain proteins, the "building blocks" of the cell. Amino acids, vitamins and microelements contained in the tablets improve potency. You can buy the products both in pharmacies and in specialized online stores and sexual goods stores.
What herbs and herbs help
Ginger, ginkgo biloba, cinnamon, parsley and celery are effective herbs for improving male potency. Also, to make the penis more impressive, it is necessary to include plant foods, nuts and cereals in the menu.

External exposure
Creams, sprays and ointments are used to improve the quality of adult relationships. If you are interested in how to enlarge the reproductive organ without serious material losses, you should pay attention to inexpensive substances that are applied to the phallus.
There are many panaceas on the market that change the parameters upwards in a short time without effort. Different varieties are available: cream, gel, spray or ointment.
Operating principle
Creamy textures activate blood circulation, release testosterone, penetrating deep into the body. The active components increase the flow of lymph, increasing the coverage by 2-3 cm, which is especially noticeable in the state of erection.
Advantages and disadvantages
The use of external application products is characterized by the following characteristics:
- safety;
- universal influence spectrum;
- Possibility of application before sexual intercourse;
- prevention and treatment;
- align.
The affordable cost allows everyone to choose the optimal composition and effectiveness of the substance.
How the body reacts
When using a spray or cream, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction or intolerance to one or more components of the product. Study the components carefully and choose the most suitable one; fortunately the range is considerable.
Important:If redness or discomfort appears after application, remove residues with warm water.
Sex toys
In intimate stores you can buy many products that help enlarge your penis. Popular:
- vacuum pump,
- extender,
- hanging (weights).
Each of them changes the parameters of the causal site and also improves sexual life.The stronger sex becomes more confident in their abilities and controls ejaculation.

What is "at hand"
Some men resort to non-standard devices and techniques to enlarge the penis. This operation is strictly prohibited as it may damage the skin and cause damage to health.
Dangerous Vaseline
For some male enhancement exercises, hydrating panaceas are a prerequisite to eliminate painful and unpleasant moments. They cannot be replaced with petroleum jelly, since its base is not water.
Sodium bicarbonate doubtful
Free methods for enlarging the penis with baking soda are described on the Internet. Experts are against the use of the substance for these purposes, as it is harmful to the skin.
Preparatory activities
First of all, take a steam bath and purify your skin. Also wash the instruments and read the instructions for use.
Additional measures
To achieve good results in thickening the manhood, you need to follow the following rules:
- stop smoking;
- appropriate nutrition;
- sport;
- strengthen the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor.
Enrich your menu with plant and protein foods, vitamins and minerals and train your pelvic muscles.Vigor and self-confidence appear.
Get rid of excess belly fat
It is impossible to improve your sex life if you are overweight. The most problematic area is the abdominal one, so it is necessary to reconsider your diet and balance it with lots of vegetables, fruit, dairy products and also work on your abdominals in the gym.
Attachments and toys: before sex
If you want to make your penis more impressive before intimacy, then you should resort to accessories and rings. They make the blood flow stronger, so it increases immediately. The main thing is not to overdo it and use toys carefully, according to the instructions. Do not leave the nozzle on for more than 5 minutes. If there is the slightest discomfort, it should be removed immediately.
Hidden danger: what to avoid
Special accessories, rings and other devices can damage the skin, so care should be taken when using them. If you have never encountered such attributes, there is no need to take risks. They can be replaced with safer devices: an extender or a vacuum pump.
Potions for penis enlargement and non-certified herbal preparations
On the Internet you can find a lot of popular advice on cheap trunk thickening. Most often, such options are not very effective and can be dangerous. There are many other safe approaches to lengthening the phallus, tested by thousands of volunteers.
Hormonal agents
Another popular way for men to boost their ego is by taking hormones. They are sold in pharmacies and on free access websites. Before you start taking it, it is advisable to get competent advice, since the drugs have a wide range of contraindications.
What do the experts think?
According to urologists and sexologists, phallus enlargement becomes accessible, safe and effective only if you follow the recommendations and strictly follow the rules for using toys. Sexual dysfunction can be eliminated by any means. The main thing is to choose the best option individually.
Important:You should not abuse the use of special drugs, much less carry out manipulations if there are contraindications and undergo a medical consultation.
Men believe in "miracles"
Many representatives of the stronger sex want to change the "trunk" quickly, painlessly and at minimal cost. There are many effective approaches that require no money and cause no pain. Everything happens in a comfortable and familiar environment.
Over 70% of men who have chosen massage, jelqing, tissue stretching and creams that enhance the effect of physical exercise as a way to expand their intimate space report high results. The changes in the sexual instrument are on average 3-4 cm in length and 1-2 cm in thickness.